Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Update #13

Howdy, everyone! And thirteen weeks later and it is finally time to get back to work posting. Today, Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1 has started back up on Wattpad. The chapter will appear on FFNet next week at this time and will be updating every Friday. To keep up my buffer, I will be aiming to get chapters set up and ready to go every week along with writing new chapters each weekend, hence will still be giving updates on my progress. I hit the 26 chapter buffer this week and have three chapters ready to post after posting the first chapter. I want to try and keep on top of this to make sure I can keep up before adding anything else to post for now outside maybe a small fanfiction. However, I will be trying to get the buffers for Persona: Parallel Paradox going as I will be doing that slowly.

Oh, on a side note outside of fanfiction, I also watched some of the English dubbed episodes of Log Horizon and pre-ordered the first half of the season on DVD. Amazingly, Log Horizon is the first English dubbed anime I enjoy, mostly due to they stick even closer to the light novel than the anime and try to fix a few issues that was in the Japanese dub. Hence they are kind of two versions of an anime, but both very enjoyable. I will be probably doing a full review of the English dubbed Log Horizon once I finish it. Well, hope you all enjoy this weekend! Auto out!

1 comment:

  1. I eagerly await said review as I'm really enjoying the dub as well.
