Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Update #3

Howdy, everyone! Happy Friday and Labor Day Weekend! This will be a short update... Mostly because my brain seems to be slightly fried for almost work two weeks straight. No, that is not normal work days I am talking. Out of the say, thirteen past days, only one day has not been work. Though that one day turned into an errand running day.

Now, onto the fanfiction. I am hoping to finish chapter 2 of Log Horizon Alien Chronicles Volume 1 either tonight or this weekend and move onto the next. Though, I am taking a pure break either Saturday or Sunday to just purely binge read stories, watch some shows for research, and relax. I am also beginning to prep Persona: Parallel Paradox to start writing it as well. Hoping to do the same for Digimon: Sinned Tamers so I can work on those two when I can't focus on Alien Chronicles. Though, I have some other small things I am working on that might appear on Wattpad only, but it will appear only after I I reach enough chapters/parts(or completed) to cover a year of uploads. The big three above are my main focus and hence why I am trying to get Persona: Parallel Paradox and Digimon: Sinned Tamers ready so I can work on them instead of my little pet projects.

However, upside, if the temp work has been like I did this week, I will have a better times to work on my stories. That and begin investing back into my goals to make being a writer and illustrator as my career. Well, Auto out!

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